Welcome to my Instant Commission Unlock review. This is being released today so I wanted to take a look at it and see whether it’s worth buying…
Product Name: Instant Commission Unlock
Owners: Mosh Bari, Justin Opay, and Ayan Biswas
Price: $7
My Verdict: Watch out for the upsells!
What is Instant Commission Unlock?
It is a special way of using Facebook videos to build an opt-in email list. It means using a special WordPress plugin which enables you to lock your website content behind an opt-in form.
So you post half of your video to Facebook, and when people watch the video and want to see the rest of it, they click through to your website. Once on your website, they need to give their email address to see it. This means you can easily build a list of email subscribers who are interested in whatever your particular niche is.
But will this lead to instant commisions?
Getting people to click through and sign up to an email list does not necessarily result in instant commisions. To do that, you need to set up a series of autoresponder message that promote one or more relevant products. To do that, you need an autoresponder service. The best in the industry is Aweber, so I recommend you take a look at that. They even have their own training to help you build your email list, so you may not even need the Instant Commissions Unlock product after all.
How much does Instant Commission Unlock cost?
It costs $7, during the initial launch at least. Beware, though, because it doesn’t end there. As with many “make money online” products, they will try to get you spend more on additional products. A LOT more, actually. This is called upselling, and these additional products are what are known as OTOs (One Time Offers).
Here is a video of one of the product owners talking about the sales funnel:
Here is a diagram illustrating it:
It looks insane, doesn’t it? That’s because it is. Let me explain the process:
- You agree to buy the main product for $7.
- You immediately get a “one time offer” for another product for $17.
- If you turn down this product, they offer it for $11 instead.
- If you buy it, you get another “one time offer” for $37.
- if you decline this, they offer it for $27.
- If you buy it, you get another “one time offer” for $97.
- If you turn this one down, they offer if for $67.
- if you buy it, they offer you a final additional product for $147.
- If you decline this, they offer if for $127.
Why do they do this?
Because it works! It is such a common tactic in the “make money online” product launch world. It’s a classic sales trick. Offer the first product at a low price so you are more likely to buy it. Once you have committed to buying it, you are in buyer mode, so you are going to be far more receptive to additional offers.
Notice how the product prices increase each time, and all end in 7? For some reason, prices that end in 7 seem to work best. I’m not sure why. Anyway, the increase in price each time is a way of turning up the heat one step at a time. If you will pay $7, maybe you will pay $17, and if you will pay $17, maybe you will pay $37, and so on.
The whole time, you might be overlooking the fact that these prices are all stacking up. If you buy all the products at the full price, you will end up paying $305, which is 43 times the original price!
Of course, you don’t have to buy these additional products. They are not forcing you at gunpoint to buy them. But it does make me wonder just how good the first product is if all these additional products are needed to truly succeed at this.
Who created Instant Commission Unlock?
Mosh Bari, Justin Opay, and Ayan Biswas. But who are they? Can you trust them?
Mosh Bari
A search on Google brings up two previous products he’s been involved in:
- Instant Money Machine – Billy Darr & Mosh Bari & Justin Opay
- Instant Commission App – Billy Darr & Mosh Bari & Justin Opay
- SocioNuke – Ziaul Karim & Mosh Bari
He sure likes the word “instant”, doesn’t he? But I couldn’t find anything particular bad about him.
Justin Opay
I found a whole bunch of previous releases by him:
- Your eCommerce Store – Sajan Elanthoor & Justin Opay
- Affiliate Marketing Excellence – Sajan Elanthoor & Justin Opay
- Tube Traffic Enigma – Pallab Ghosal, Aidan Corkery and Justin Opay
- Tube Passive Profits – Billy Daar, Justin Opay and Arslan Raaj
- Snapchat Marketing Excellence – Sajan Elanthoor & Justin Opay
- Anniversary PLR Firesale – Sajan Elanthoor & Justin Opay
- Digital Page Designs – Justin Opay
- Healthy Primal Living PLR – Sajan Elanthoor & Justin Opay
- Lifestyle Design PLR – Sajan Elanthoor & Justin Opay
- Self Help Fitness PLR Firesale – Sajan Elanthoor & Justin Opay
- Your First Product – Sajan Elanthoor & Justin Opay
Ayan Biswas
Man, he doesn’t look happy, does he? Cheer up, dude! You’re rich, aren’t you? Anyway, I managed to find 2 previous products from him:
- Tube Traffic Mantra – Ayan Biswas and Jason Fulton
- Social CPA Avalanche – Ayan Biswas, Justin Opay and Ivana Bosnjak
What does this mean?
This means this guys are known for teaming up with other people and releasing “make money online” schemes. This in itself doesn’t mean their products are bad quality. It just means they are opportunists who like to jump on any oppotunity to make money. So they earn their money by attempting to show other people how to earn money. It’s a funny situation really.
The problem with a lot of these types of launches is they often extremely hyped up, but the average person may not get the results they hoped. In my opinion, a better long-term approach to making money online is to build a website around a topic you are interested in, write great content on that topic, then earn commissions by linking to real products that people actually want to buy. This exactly what they teach at Jvzoo Academy. I highly recommend you take a look at that instead.
I hope you found my Instant Commission Unlock review helpful. If there is anything I haven’t covered, or if you would like to comment on this, please let me know in the comments section below.
All the best,
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